Friday, December 23, 2011

What is Online Physiotherapy

Online physiotherapy, a relatively new service uses the recent improvement in technology that helps unite people around the globe in to a single unit. If a question is arised, “how online physiotherapy can help a person who is not around the clinician in real time?” The answer to this question can’t be explained in a single word or sentence. Instead it needs more understanding and explanation with examples as to how a patient is dealt by a physical therapist for his ailment. This article is intended to clear the doubt regarding online physical therapy.
What is physiotherapy?
Physical therapy is a health profession dealing with the physical ailments that occurs in any form, from painful condition to muscle imbalance, weakness etc. Here we have to understand, how the physical therapist deals with a patient. Let me explain it through some points.
·         First and foremost the science of biomechanics (body mechanics with calculations of energy expenditure and efficiency) is very important for a physiotherapist when he makes an assessment of a patient.
·         An injury happens when certain amount of force is applied in a disproportionate manner, it can be an external force (when we encounter something) or an internal force (happening inside us due to prolonged stressful posture or certain sudden explosion of movement).
·         The knowledge of biomechanics helps in understanding the pathology of an injury.
·         This can be executed through postural assessment and subjective history (how and in what circumstances the injury happened or what personal habit steered you towards this ailment).
·         Now when there is a clear understanding on how the injury happened, there should be a solution through advices and corrective exercises.  Next stage will be certain mobilizations and corrections done by the therapists.
·         In this I have explained what will be the scientific rationale in short terms. But in reality frequent reassessments and changes in exercises catering to individual needs should be considered.
Now let me explain the scientific rationale of online physiotherapy!
Online Physiotherapy
·         In an online therapy setup, when the individual, the client or the patient makes an access to the website, he or she will be prompted with intellectually designed assessment questionnaire.
·         The client will have to answer them with what happened to them when they had their injury or what type of lifestyle they follow.
·         These answers will give the therapist a thorough understanding of their clients biomechanics and pathomechanics (abnormal biomechanics).
·         Once a clear inference is obtained then a suitable plan of action can be easily devised.
·         Now the therapist will send a clear report, plan of action, regarding the patient along with appropriate exercises.

Schematic illustration on how online physiotherapy works
All the exercises will be well illustrated and explained in an organized way. The exercises will be aimed on correcting muscle imbalances, improving strength, flexibility and self mobilization to relieve any stiffness. As there are thousands of exercises in our data that are proved to be efficient in correcting physical ailments, online physical therapy can address around eighty percent of all physical therapy conditions.
With all these exercises and frequent motivations the program can be headed towards success!
Advantages of Online Physical Therapy
·         The client has time to think on what has happened to him and explain the complete difficulty in his words as there is no rush.
·         The client can obtain a second opinion even if he or she is undergoing treatment in a real time setup.
·         Once a premium member the client will have a time of one month to work with his ailment and frequently clear his doubts in just one payment.
·         Can access the treatment from anywhere in the world at the comfort of home.
·         No need to drive and wait in a long que.
      For more related physical therapy log on to

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